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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - short


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~1 adj »LENGTH/HEIGHT/DISTANCE« 1 measuring a small amount in distance or length  (a short corridor with two rooms on each side | a short skirt | It's a short drive from the airport. | Anita had her hair cut short.) 2 »PERSON« someone who is short is of less than average height  (a short plump woman) 3 be 3 feet/10 miles/2 metres short of to have not quite reached a place you are trying to get to  (Our car broke down two miles short of the town.) TIME 4 happening or continuing for only a little time or for less time than usual  (a short meeting | I'm afraid there will be a short delay. | Morris gave a short laugh. | I've only been living in Brisbane a short time. | Some people have short memories, don't they? | a short space of time)  (Both her parents died within a short space of time.) 5 at short notice BrE also on short notice AmE with very little warning that something is going to happen  (The party was arranged at very short notice. | I can't make it Friday. It's a bit short notice I'm afraid.) 6 in the short term during the period of time that is not very far into the future  (Interest rates are unlikely to fall in the short term.)  (- see also short­term) 7 in short order in a short time and without delay  (All the tents were put up in short order.) 8 make short work of informal to finish something quickly and easily, especially a meal or a job  (The kids made short work of the sandwiches.) 9 short and sweet spoken not taking a long time and less boring or unpleasant than you expected  (They won't listen to a long lecture, so just keep it short and sweet.) NOT ENOUGH 10 a) not having enough of something you need  (be short of)  (I'm a little short of money at the moment. | Your little girl's not short of confidence, is she? | be 5p/$10 etc short)  (Have you all paid me? I'm still about $9 short.) b) be short if time, money etc is short, there is not as much of it as you need  (Money was short in those days. We had to get by on $30 a week. | It'll be difficult - time and resources are short.) 11 be in short supply if something is in short supply, there is not enough of it available  (Gasoline was in short supply just after the war.) 12 be (a bit/rather) short BrE to not have much money  (Could you lend me -5? I'm a bit short tonight.) 13 be short on informal to have less of something than you should have  (Sometimes I think he's a little short on common sense.) 14 give sb short measure to give someone less than the correct amount of something, especially in a shop AMOUNT 15 just short of/a little short of etc not quite as much as; a little less than  (The total cost will be just short of $17 million. | Her time was only 2 seconds short of the world record.) BOOK/SPEECH ETC 16 a book, letter, speech etc that is short does not have many words or pages  (a short article on energy conservation)  (- see also short story) SHORT FORM OF 17 be short for to be a shorter way of saying a name  (Her name is Alex, short for Alexandra.) 18 for short as a shorter way of saying a name  (the Reformed Electoral System (or the RES for short)) PRONUNCIATION 19 technical a short vowel is pronounced quickly and without being emphasized  (/ae/, as in `cat', is a short vowel.) »OTHER MEANINGS« 20 be short with to speak to someone using very few words, in a way that seems rude or unfriendly  (Sorry I was short with you on the phone this morning - I was being hassled by the kids.) 21 give sb/sth short shrift to not give much attention or sympathy to someone  (Her suggestions were given short shrift by the chairman. | get short shrift)  (My warnings, as usual, got short shrift.) 22 have a short temper to get angry very easily 23 nothing/little short of used to emphasize that something is very good, very surprising etc  (Brigitte's recovery seemed nothing short of a miracle.) 24 draw/get the short straw to be given something difficult or unpleasant to do, especially when other people have been given something better 25 life's too short spoken used to say that something is too unimportant to worry about or spend time on - shortness n ~2 adv 1 be running short if you are running short of something, or if something is running short, it is being used up and there will soon not be enough left  (We're running short of coffee again. | Our supplies of beer were running short. | Let's go - time's running short.) 2 stop short to suddenly stop speaking or stop what you are doing, for example because something has surprised you or you have just thought of something 3 stop short of doing sth to almost do something but decide against actually doing it  (Paula stopped just short of accusing me of lying.) 4 pull/bring sb up short to make someone suddenly stop moving or stop what they are doing  (The sight of the gun in her hand pulled me up short.) 5 cut sb short to stop someone before they have finished speaking, by interrupting them  (I was halfway through my explanation when Walter cut me short.) 6 cut sth short to suddenly bring something to an end before it has properly finished  (His death at the age of 38 cut short a brilliant career.) 7 fall short of to be less than the result, level, or standard that you expect or to fail to achieve something you are hoping for  (The appeal for money has fallen well short of its target. | I'm afraid the results fell short of our expectations.) 8 go short (of) to have less food, money etc than you need  (She made sure that her children never went short.) 9 short of (doing) sth without actually doing something  (Short of locking her in her room, he couldn't really stop her from seeing Jack.) 10 be taken short/be caught short BrE informal to have a sudden strong need to go to the toilet ~3 n 1 in short used when you want to say, in just a few words, what is the most important point about a situation  (In short, he is a liar.) 2 shorts plural a) short trousers ending at or above the knees  (a pair of tennis shorts) b) especially AmE men's underpants 3 BrE informal a strong alcoholic drink, drunk in a small glass 4 informal a short film shown before the main film at a cinema 5 informal a short circuit  (a short in the system) ~4 v informal to short­circuit, or make something do this  (Maybe the battery has shorted.)
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  I. [c red]ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB USES (shorter, shortest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 23 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If something is short or lasts for a short time, it does not last very long. The announcement was made a short time ago... How could you do it in such a short period of time?... Kemp gave a short laugh... We had a short meeting. ? long ADJ 2. If you talk about a short hour, day, or year, you mean that it seems to have passed very quickly or will seem to pass very quickly. For a few short weeks there was peace... ? long ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. A short speech, letter, or book does not have many words or pages in it. They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona... ? long ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. Someone who is short is not as tall as most people are. I’m tall and thin and he’s short and fat. ...a short, elderly woman with grey hair... ? tall ADJ 5. Something that is short measures only a small amount from one end to the other. The city centre and shops are only a short distance away... His black hair was very short. ? long ADJ 6. If you are short of something or if it is short, you do not have enough of it. If you are running short of something or if it is running short, you do not have much of it left. Her father’s illness left the family short of money... Supplies of everything are unreliable, food is short... ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ of n 7. If someone or something is or stops short of a place, they have not quite reached it. If they are or fall short of an amount, they have not quite achieved it. He stopped a hundred yards short of the building... ADJ: v-link ADJ of n 8. Short of a particular thing means except for that thing or without actually doing that thing. Short of climbing railings four metres high, there was no way into the garden from this road... PREP-PHRASE: PREP n/-ing 9. If...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceort; akin to Old High German scurz ~, Old Norse skortr lack  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. having little length  b. not tall or high ; low  2.  a. not extended in time ; brief a ~ vacation  b. not retentive a ~ memory  c. expeditious, quick made ~ work of the problem  d. seeming to pass quickly made great progress in just a few ~ years  3.  a. of a speech sound having a relatively ~ duration  b. being the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel that was ~ in duration but is no longer so and that does not necessarily have duration as its chief distinguishing feature ~ i in sin  c. of a syllable in prosody  (1) of relatively brief duration  (2) unstressed  4. limited in distance a ~ trip  5.  a. not coming up to a measure or requirement ; insufficient in ~ supply  b. not reaching far enough the throw to first was ~  c. enduring privation  d. insufficiently supplied ~ of cash ~ on brains  6.  a. abrupt, curt I'm sorry I was ~ with you  b. quickly provoked a ~ temper  7. choppy 2  8. payable at an early date a ~ loan  9.  a. containing or cooked with ~ening; also flaky ~ pastry  b. of metal brittle under certain conditions  10.  a. not lengthy or drawn out a ~ speech  b. made briefer ; abbreviated  11.  a. not having goods or property that one has sold in anticipation of a fall in prices  b. consisting of, relating to, or engaging in the sale of securities or commodities that the seller does not possess or has not contracted for at the time of the sale ~ sale a ~ seller  12. near the end of a tour of duty  • ~ish adjective  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. in a curt manner  2. for or during a brief time ~-lasting  3. at a disadvantage ; unawares caught ~  4. in an abrupt manner ; suddenly the car stopped ~  5. at some point or degree before a goal or limit aimed at or under consideration the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. 1 a measuring little; not long from end to end (a short distance). b not long in duration; brief (a short time ago; had a short life). c seeming less than the stated amount (a few short years of happiness). 2 of small height; not tall (a short square tower; was shorter than average). 3 a (usu. foll. by of, on) having a partial or total lack; deficient; scanty (short of spoons; is rather short on sense). b not far-reaching; acting or being near at hand (within short range). 4 a concise; brief (kept his speech short). b curt; uncivil (was short with her). 5 (of the memory) unable to remember distant events. 6 Phonet. & Prosody of a vowel or syllable: a having the lesser of the two recognized durations. b unstressed. c (of an English vowel) having a sound other than that called long (cf. LONG(1) adj. 8). 7 a (of pastry) crumbling; not holding together. b (of clay) having poor plasticity. 8 esp. Stock Exch. a (of stocks, a stockbroker, crops, etc.) sold or selling when the amount is not in hand, with reliance on getting the deficit in time for delivery. b (of a bill of exchange) maturing at an early date. 9 Cricket a (of a ball) pitching relatively near the bowler. b (of a fielder or his position) relatively near the batsman. 10 (of a drink of spirits) undiluted. --adv. 1 before the natural or expected time or place; abruptly (pulled up short; cut short the celebrations). 2 rudely; uncivilly (spoke to him short). --n. 1 colloq. a short drink, esp. spirits. 2 a short circuit. 3 a short film. 4 Stock Exch. a a person who sells short. b (in pl.) short-dated stocks. 5 Phonet. a a short syllable or vowel. b a mark indicating that a vowel is short. 6 (in pl.) a mixture of bran and coarse flour. --v.tr. & intr. short-circuit. Phrases and idioms be caught (or taken) short 1 be put at a disadvantage. 2 colloq. urgently need to urinate or defecate. bring up (or pull up) short check or pause abruptly. come short be inadequate or disappointing. come short of fail to reach or amount to. for short as a short name...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) короткое замыкание 2) короткозамыкатель, перемычка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) внезапно 2) короткий 3) короткометражный 4) краткий 5) краткость 6) краток 7) кратчайший 8) неполный 9) резко 10) сокращенный fall short of — быть меньше (чего-л.) operate on short wavelength — работать на короткой волне short circuit current — электр. ток короткого замыкания short form of — явно short radius of a regular polygon — апофема правильного многоугольника short term flotation — кратковременная флуктуация turn-to-turn short circuit — междувитковое короткое замыкание to be short of — недоставать, не хватать - fall short - in short - short out ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – to be short of – to fall short SHORT 1. прил. 1) краткосрочный, короткий 2) недостающий 3) недостигающий 4) неполный 5) нуждающийся 6) бирж. играющий на понижение, продающий без покрытия • - at a short date - be short of - be short of market - be short of the market - being short - fall short - give short credit - short book - short period oscillations - short position - short term planning - short term schedule 2. нареч. 1) не полностью 2) бирж. без покрытия - borrow short - cash shorts and overs - come short - fall short of the amount - sell short - ship short - short of ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. краткое содержание; суть in short —- вкратце, короче говоря, одним словом for short —- для краткости, сокращенно they called him Tom for short —- они называли его просто Томом the long and the short of it is... —- короче говоря, одним словом that's the long and the short of it —- вот и все the short of it is this —- дело сводится к следующему the short of the matter —- сущность дела 2. краткий гласный 3. краткий слог 4. знак краткости 5. разг. короткометражный фильм documentary short —- короткометражный документальный фильм 6. разг. короткий отрывок, короткое произведение 7. малый рост (размер мужской одежды) 8. эл. разг. короткое замыкание 9. воен. недолет 10. продажа на срок без покрытия 11. бирж. спекулянты, играющие на понижение 12. разг. крепкий напиток, спиртное 13. разг. "стаканчик" (рюмка неразбавленного виски) 14. короткий short distance —- короткое расстояние short hair —- короткие волосы short letter —- короткое письмо my coat was short in the sleeves —- рукава пальто мне были коротки at (a) short range —- на близком расстоянии a short way off —- неподалеку short arms —- воен. короткоствольное оружие short rifle —- воен. укороченная винтовка, карабин; воен. ист. штуцер to make a long story short —- короче говоря 15. низкий, невысокий a short man —- человек низкого роста short grass —- низкая...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of breath страдающий одышкой SHORT word бранное слово SHORT  1. adj.  1) короткий; краткий; краткосрочный - a short way off - a short time ago - time is short - short cut  2) низкий, невысокий (о человеке)  3) недостаточный, неполный; имеющий недостаток (of - в чем-л.); не достигающий (of - чего-л.); we are short of cash - у нас не хватает денег - short weight - short measure - in short supply - short sight - short views - short memory - short of breath - keep short - jump short - run short - come short - fall short  4) краткий; отрывистый, сухой (об ответе, приеме); грубый, резкий (о речи) - short word  5) хрупкий, ломкий; рассыпчатый (о печенье, о глине); pastry eats short - печенье рассыпается во рту  6) sl. крепкий (о напитке) - something short to make a long story short - короче говоря this is nothing short of a swindle - это прямо надувательство - in the short run - at short notice - short wind - make short work - short of Syn: see small  2. adv. резко, круто, внезапно; преждевременно; to stop short - внезапно остановиться  3. noun  1) краткость; for short - для краткости; in short - короче говоря; вкратце  2) краткий гласный или слог  3) знак краткости  4) coll. короткое замыкание  5) mil. недолет  6) короткометражный фильм  7) pl. мелкие отруби  8) pl. отходы  9) рюмка, глоток спиртного SHORT bit amer. монета в 10 центов SHORT circuit electr. короткое замыкание SHORT cut  а) кратчайшее расстояние; to take/make a short...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sceort, scort, probably from P.Gmc. *skurta-, from PIE base *sker- "cut," with notion of something cut off. Meaning "electrical short circuit" first recorded 1854. Slang meaning "car" is 1897, based on street cars being "shorter" than railroad cars. Fall short is from archery; shorthand first attested 1636. Shorts "short pants" first recorded 1826. Shortage is from 1868; shortcoming is from 1680, from the phrase to come short; short cut is from 1568; short-handed is from 1794; short-sighted is 1622 in both lit. and figurative senses. Shortening "butter or other fat used in baking" formed 1823 from shorten "make crumbly," from short in the sense of "easily crumbled" (late M.E.), perhaps via the notion of "having short fibres." This is also the sense behind shortbread (1801) and shortcake (1594). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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